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- <p dir="auto">Welcome to <strong>🏡 Hacks.Wiki</strong> - a Wikifull of Hacks</p>
- <article class="message is-info"><div class="message-body"><p dir="auto"><em>Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.</em> - <strong>Douglas Adams</strong></p>
- </div></article><p dir="auto">Hacks.Wiki is an experiment to organise quick hacks, notes, bookmarks and tools into an easy-to-build-and-maintain “Digital Garden”.</p>
- <article class="message is-success"><div class="message-body"><p dir="auto">It should take others far less time and effort to do what we’ve already done.</p>
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