- # Skulls - [Thinkpad X230T](https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-x-series-tablet-laptops/thinkpad-x230-tablet)
- ## Latest release
- Get it from our [release page](https://github.com/merge/skulls/releases)
- * __coreboot__: We take coreboot's master branch at the time we build a release image.
- * __microcode update__: revision `0x21` from 2019-02-13
- * __SeaBIOS__: version [1.13.0](https://seabios.org/Releases) from 2019-12-09
- ### release images to choose from
- We release multiple different, but _very similar_ images you can choose from.
- They all should work on all versions of the X230T. These are the
- differences; (xxxxxxxxxx stands for random characters in the filename):
- * `x230t_coreboot_seabios_xxxxxxxxxx_top.rom` includes the _proprietary_
- [VGA BIOS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_BIOS) from [Intel](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/intelligent-systems/intel-embedded-graphics-drivers/faq-bios-firmware.html)
- which is non-free software. It is executed in "secure" mode.
- * `x230t_coreboot_seabios_free_xxxxxxxxxx_top.rom` includes the
- [VGA BIOS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_BIOS)
- [SeaVGABIOS](https://www.seabios.org/SeaVGABIOS) which is free software.
- While technically more interesting, visually this is currently not as
- beautiful:
- * The [bootspash image is not shown](https://github.com/merge/skulls/issues/59).
- * Early boot console messages (after your HDD's bootloader has started a kernel) might be [missing](https://github.com/merge/skulls/issues/46).
- ## table of contents
- * [TL;DR](#tldr)
- * [First-time installation](#first-time-installation)
- * [Updating](#updating)
- * [Moving to Heads](#moving-to-heads)
- * [Why does this work](#why-does-this-work)
- * [How to rebuild](#how-to-reproduce-the-release-images)
- ## TL;DR
- 1. run `sudo ./x230t_skulls.sh` on your current X230T Linux system
- 2. Power down, remove the battery. Remove the keyboard and palmrest. Connect
- a hardware flasher to an external PC (or a Raspberry Pi with a SPI 8-pin chip clip
- can directly be used), and run
- `sudo ./external_install_bottom.sh` on the lower chip
- and `sudo ./external_install_top.sh` on the top chip of the two.
- 3. For updating later, run `./x230t_skulls.sh`. No need to disassemble.
- And always use the latest [released](https://github.com/merge/skulls/releases)
- package. This will be tested. The git master
- branch is _not_ meant to be stable. Use it for testing only.
- ## First-time installation
- #### before you begin
- Run Linux on your X230T, install `dmidecode` and run
- `sudo ./x230t_skulls.sh`. It simply prints system information and
- helps you to be up to date.
- Make sure you have the latest skulls-x230t package release by running
- `./x230t_skulls.sh -U`.
- #### original BIOS update / EC firmware (optional)
- If the script, `sudo ./x230t_skulls.sh` says "The installed original BIOS is very
- old.", it means that you have a BIOS version that may include an EC version
- older than 1.14.
- If that's the case, consider doing one original Lenovo upgrade process. This is not
- supported anymore, once you're running coreboot (You'd have to manually
- flash back your backup images first, see later chapters).
- This updates the BIOS _and_ Embedded Controller (EC) firmware. The EC
- is not updated anymore, when running coreboot. Since official BIOS release 2.77 and
- its EC version 1.15 Lenovo includes a digital signature check, which prevents
- further firmware patching.
- You have 2 options:
- * use [the latest original CD](https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-x-series-tablet-laptops/thinkpad-x230-tablet/downloads/DS029683) and burn it, or
- * use the same, only with a patched EC firmware that allows using any aftermarket-battery:
- (this is only possible up to EC Firmware 1.14)
- By default, only original Lenovo batteries are allowed.
- Thanks to [this](http://zmatt.net/unlocking-my-lenovo-laptop-part-3/)
- [project](https://github.com/eigenmatt/mec-tools) we can use Lenovo's bootable
- upgrade image, change it and create a bootable _USB_ image (even with EC updates
- that allows one to use 3rd party aftermarket batteries). For this, follow instructions
- at [github.com/hamishcoleman/thinkpad-ec](https://github.com/hamishcoleman/thinkpad-ec).
- #### preparation: required hardware
- * An 8 Pin SOIC Clip, for example from
- [Pomona electronics](https://www.pomonaelectronics.com/products/test-clips/soic-clip-8-pin)
- (for availability, check
- [aliexpress](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/POMONA-SOIC-CLIP-5250-8pin-eeprom-for-tacho-8pin-cable-for-pomana-soic-8pin/32814247676.html) or
- [elsewhere](https://geizhals.eu/?fs=pomona+test+clip+5250))
- or alternatively hooks like
- [E-Z-Hook XKM](https://e-z-hook.com/test-hooks/micro-hook/xkm/)
- * 6 [female](https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/37783/how-can-i-create-a-female-jumper-wire-connector)
- [jumper wires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_wire) like
- [these](https://geizhals.eu/jumper-cable-female-female-20cm-a1471094.html)
- to connect the clip to a hardware flasher (if not included with the clip)
- * a hardware flasher
- [supported by flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/Flashrom/0.9.9/Supported_Hardware#USB_Devices), see below for the examples we support
- #### open up the X230T
- Remove the 7 screws of your X230T to remove the keyboard (by pushing it towards the
- screen before lifting) and the palmrest. You'll find the chips using the photo
- below. This is how the SPI connection looks like on both of the X230T's chips:
- Screen (furthest from you)
- Edge (closest to you)
- ... choose __one of the following__ supported flashing hardware examples:
- #### Hardware Example: Raspberry Pi 3
- A Raspberry Pi can directly be a flasher through it's I/O pins, see below.
- Use a test clip or hooks, see [required hardware](#preparation-required-hardware).
- On the RPi we run [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/)
- and have the following setup:
- * Connect to the console: Either
- * connect a screen and a keyboard, or
- * Use the [Serial connection](https://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection) using a
- USB-to-serial cable (like [Adafruit 954](http://www.adafruit.com/products/954),
- [FTDI TTL-232R-RPI](http://www.ftdichip.com/Products/Cables/RPi.htm) or
- [others](https://geizhals.eu/usb-to-ttl-serial-adapter-cable-a1461312.html)) and
- picocom (`picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0`) or minicom
- * in the SD Cards's `/boot/config.txt` file `enable_uart=1` and `dtparam=spi=on`
- * [For flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/RaspberryPi) we put `spi_bcm2835`
- and `spidev` in /etc/modules
- * [Connect to a wifi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md)
- or ethernet to `sudo apt-get install flashrom`
- * connect the Clip to the Raspberry Pi 3 (there are
- [prettier images](https://github.com/splitbrain/rpibplusleaf) too):
- Edge of pi (furthest from you)
- (UART)
- E | | | |
- F +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- T | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x |
- | x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x |
- E +----------------------------------^---^---^---^-------------------------------^--+
- D | | | | |
- Body of Pi (closest to you)
- Now copy the Skulls release tarball over to the Rasperry Pi and
- [continue](#unpack-the-skulls-release-archive) on the Pi.
- #### Hardware Example: CH341A based
- The CH341A from [Winchiphead](http://www.wch.cn/), a USB interface chip,
- is used by some cheap memory programmers.
- The one we describe can be bought at
- [aliexpress](http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-CH341A-24-25-Series-EEPROM-Flash-BIOS-DVD-USB-Programmer-DVD-programmer-router-Nine/32583059603.html),
- but it's available [elsewhere](https://geizhals.eu/?fs=ch341a) too.
- This means you need a different computer running a Linux based system here.
- Also, we don't use the included 3,3V power output (provides too little power),
- but a separate power supply. If you don't have any, consider getting a AMS1117
- based supply for a second USB port (like [this](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-AMS1117-3-3V-Mini-USB-5V-3-3V-DC-Perfect-Power-Supply-Module/32785334595.html) or [this](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=ams1117+usb)).
- * Leave the P/S Jumper connected (programmer mode, 1a86:5512 USB device)
- * Connect 3,3V from your external supply to the Pomona clip's (or hook) VCC
- * Connect GND from your external supply to GND on your CH341A programmer
- * Connect your clip or hooks to the rest of the programmer's SPI pins
- * Connect the programmer (and power supply, if USB) to your PC's USB port
- #### unpack the Skulls release archive
- tar -xf skulls-x230t-<version>.tar.xz
- cd skulls-x230t-<version>
- #### ifd unlock and me_cleaner: the 8MB chip
- Flashing the bottom chip (closer to you) is optional. It has the same pinout
- than the upper chip. This allows you to enable/disable in-system flashing
- (without disassembling the Thinkpad) and/or to neuter the
- [Intel Management Engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine)
- for [security reasons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine#Security_vulnerabilities).
- sudo ./external_install_bottom.sh -m -k <backup-file-to-create>
- That's it. Keep the backup safe. Here are the options (just so you know):
- * The `-m` option applies `me_cleaner -S -d` before flashing back, see
- [me_cleaner](https://github.com/corna/me_cleaner).
- * The `-l` option will (re-)lock your flash ROM, in case you want to force
- yourself (and others) to hardware-flashing, see [updating](#updating).
- #### Your BIOS choice: the 4MB chip
- Now it's time to make your choice! Choose one of the images included in our
- release and select it during running:
- sudo ./external_install_top.sh -k <backup-file-to-create>
- This selects and flashes it and that's it.
- Keep the backup safe, assemble and
- turn on the X230T. coreboot will do hardware init and start SeaBIOS.
- ## Updating
- If you have locked your flash (i.e. `./external_install_bottom -l`) you can
- flash externally using `external_install_top.sh` just like the
- first time, see above. Only the "upper" 4MB chip has to be written.
- It is recommended to do the the update directly on your X230T using Linux
- though. This is considered more safe for your hardware and is very convenient -
- just install the "flashrom" program and run `./x230t_skulls.sh`, see below.
- 1. boot Linux with the `iomem=relaxed` boot parameter (for example in /etc/default/grub `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT`)
- 2. [download](https://github.com/merge/skulls/releases) the latest Skulls release tarball and unpack it or check for updates by running `./x230t_skulls.sh -U`.
- 3. run `sudo ./x230t_skulls.sh` and choose the image to flash.
- Hint: In case your Linux distribution's GRUB bootloader doesn't use the full
- screen, put the line `GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x768x32` in your `/etc/default/grub` file
- (and run `update_grub`).
- ## Moving to Heads
- [Heads](http://osresearch.net/) is an alternative BIOS system with advanced
- security features. It's more complicated to use though. When having Skulls
- installed, installing Heads is as easy as updating Skulls. You can directly
- start using it:
- * [build Heads](https://github.com/osresearch/heads)
- * boot Linux with the `iomem=relaxed` boot parameter
- * copy Heads' 12M image file `build/x230t/coreboot.rom` to Skulls' x230t directory
- * run `sudo ./x230t_heads.sh`
- That's it. Heads is a completely different project. Please read the
- [documentation](http://osresearch.net/) for how to use it and report bugs
- [over there](https://github.com/osresearch/heads/issues)
- Switching back to Skulls is the same as [updating](#updating). Just run
- `./x230t_skulls.sh`.
- ## Why does this work?
- On the X230T, there are 2 physical "BIOS" chips. The "upper" 4MB
- one holds the actual bios we can generate using coreboot, and the "lower" 8MB
- one holds the rest that you can [modify yourself once](#first-time-installation),
- if you like, but strictly speaking, you
- [don't need to touch it at all](https://www.coreboot.org/Board:lenovo/x230#Building_Firmware).
- What's this "rest"?
- Mainly a tiny binary used by the Ethernet card and the Intel Management Engine.
- Read the [coreboot documentation](https://doc.coreboot.org/mainboard/lenovo/xx30_series.html)
- for more details.
- ## how to reproduce the release images
- * `git clone https://github.com/merge/skulls`
- * `cd skulls/x230t`
- * `git checkout <version tag>` for the release you want to build. In this example 0.1.5.
- * `./build.sh` and choose the configuration you want to build
- ### replace the splashscreen image
- In order to create your own splashscreen image, before building,
- overwrite the `splashscreen.jpg` with your own JPEG, using
- * "Progressive" turned off, and
- * "4:2:0 (chroma quartered)" Subsampling