* [For flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/RaspberryPi) we put `spi_bcm2835` and `spidev` in /etc/modules
* [For flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/RaspberryPi) we put `spi_bcm2835` and `spidev` in /etc/modules
* [Connect to a wifi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md) or to network over ethernet to install `flashrom`
* [Connect to a wifi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md) or to network over ethernet to install `flashrom`
* only use the ...top.rom release file
* only use the ...top.rom release file
* connect the Clip to the Raspberry Pi 3:
* use `linux_spi` as flashrom programmer name
* connect the Clip to the Raspberry Pi 3 (there are [prettier images](https://github.com/splitbrain/rpibplusleaf) too: