@ -176,12 +176,10 @@ and with our release tarball unpacked, the command you need looks like so:
We run [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/)
and have the following setup
* [Serial connection](https://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection) using a "USB to Serial" UART Adapter and picocom or minicom
* Yes, in this case you need a second PC connected to the RPi over UART
* [Serial connection](https://elinux.org/RPi_Serial_Connection) using a "USB to Serial" UART Adapter and picocom or minicom (yes, in this case you need a second PC connected to the RPi over UART)
* in the SD Cards's `/boot/config.txt` file `enable_uart=1` and `dtparam=spi=on`
* [For flashrom](https://www.flashrom.org/RaspberryPi) we put `spi_bcm2835` and `spidev` in /etc/modules
* [Connect to a wifi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md) or to network over ethernet to `sudo apt-get flashrom`
* only flash the top 4M chip
* [Connect to a wifi](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md) or to network over ethernet to `sudo apt-get install flashrom`
* connect the Clip to the Raspberry Pi 3 (there are [prettier images](https://github.com/splitbrain/rpibplusleaf) too:
@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ Now unpack it:
cd tarball_extracted
Check the SPI connection to the "top" chip to update, and run: