- /*
- Copyright (C) 2016-2019 by Xose Pérez <xose dot perez at gmail dot com>
- */
- #include "light.h"
- #include "api.h"
- #include "broker.h"
- #include "mqtt.h"
- #include "relay.h"
- #include "rpc.h"
- #include "rtcmem.h"
- #include "ws.h"
- #include "libs/OnceFlag.h"
- #include "light_config.h"
- #include <Ticker.h>
- #include <Schedule.h>
- #include <ArduinoJson.h>
- #include <array>
- #include <vector>
- extern "C" {
- #include "libs/fs_math.h"
- }
- // default is 8, we only need up to 5
- #define PWM_CHANNEL_NUM_MAX Light::ChannelsMax
- extern "C" {
- #include "libs/pwm.h"
- }
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Setup virtual relays contolling the light's state
- // TODO: only do per-channel setup optionally
- class LightChannelProvider : public RelayProviderBase {
- public:
- LightChannelProvider() = delete;
- explicit LightChannelProvider(unsigned char id) :
- _id(id)
- {}
- const char* id() const {
- return "light_channel";
- }
- void change(bool status) override {
- lightState(_id, status);
- lightState(true);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- private:
- unsigned char _id { RELAY_NONE };
- };
- class LightGlobalProvider : public RelayProviderBase {
- public:
- const char* id() const {
- return "light_global";
- }
- void change(bool status) override {
- lightState(status);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- };
- #endif
- struct channel_t {
- channel_t() = default;
- explicit channel_t(unsigned char pin_, bool inverse_) :
- pin(pin_),
- inverse(inverse_)
- {
- pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
- }
- unsigned char pin { GPIO_NONE }; // real GPIO pin
- bool inverse { false }; // whether we should invert the value before using it
- bool state { true }; // is the channel ON
- unsigned char inputValue { Light::ValueMin }; // raw value, without the brightness
- unsigned char value { Light::ValueMin }; // normalized value, including brightness
- unsigned char target { Light::ValueMin }; // target value
- float current { Light::ValueMin }; // transition value
- };
- std::vector<channel_t> _light_channels;
- bool _light_save = LIGHT_SAVE_ENABLED;
- unsigned long _light_save_delay = LIGHT_SAVE_DELAY;
- Ticker _light_save_ticker;
- unsigned long _light_report_delay = LIGHT_REPORT_DELAY;
- Ticker _light_report_ticker;
- LightReportListener _light_report;
- bool _light_has_controls = false;
- bool _light_has_color = false;
- bool _light_use_white = false;
- bool _light_use_cct = false;
- bool _light_use_gamma = false;
- bool _light_state = false;
- long _light_brightness = Light::BrightnessMax;
- // Default to the Philips Hue value that HA also use.
- // https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/core-concepts
- long _light_cold_mireds = Light::MiredsCold;
- long _light_warm_mireds = Light::MiredsWarm;
- long _light_cold_kelvin = (1000000L / _light_cold_mireds);
- long _light_warm_kelvin = (1000000L / _light_warm_mireds);
- long _light_mireds = (Light::MiredsCold + Light::MiredsWarm) / 2L;
- namespace {
- // In case we somehow forgot to initialize the brightness func, make sure to trigger an exception.
- // Just using an `nullptr` may not always trigger an error
- // (also, so we also don't have to check whether the pointer is not `nullptr`)
- bool _lightApplyBrightnessStub() {
- panic();
- return false;
- }
- } // namespace
- using LightBrightnessFunc = bool(*)();
- LightBrightnessFunc _light_brightness_func = _lightApplyBrightnessStub;
- bool _light_state_changed = false;
- LightStateListener _light_state_listener = nullptr;
- #include <my92xx.h>
- my92xx* _my92xx { nullptr };
- #endif
- std::unique_ptr<LightProvider> _light_provider;
- #endif
- // UI hint about channel distribution
- const char _light_channel_desc[5][5] PROGMEM = {
- {'W', 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {'W', 'C', 0, 0, 0},
- {'R', 'G', 'B', 0, 0},
- {'R', 'G', 'B', 'W', 0},
- {'R', 'G', 'B', 'W', 'C'}
- };
- static_assert((Light::Channels * Light::Channels) <= (sizeof(_light_channel_desc)), "Out-of-bounds array access");
- // Gamma Correction lookup table (8 bit)
- const unsigned char _light_gamma_table[] PROGMEM = {
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6,
- 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11,
- 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19,
- 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 28, 28,
- 29, 30, 30, 31, 32, 33, 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39, 40,
- 41, 42, 43, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
- 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71,
- 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89,
- 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110,
- 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134,
- 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 152, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160,
- 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 189,
- 191, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221,
- 223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 238, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255
- };
- static_assert(Light::ValueMax <= sizeof(_light_gamma_table), "Out-of-bounds array access");
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // UTILS
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool _setValue(unsigned char, unsigned int) __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
- bool _setValue(unsigned char id, unsigned int value) {
- if (_light_channels[id].value != value) {
- _light_channels[id].value = value;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void _setInputValue(unsigned char id, unsigned int value) {
- _light_channels[id].inputValue = value;
- }
- void _setRGBInputValue(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) {
- _setInputValue(0, constrain(red, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- _setInputValue(1, constrain(green, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- _setInputValue(2, constrain(blue, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- }
- void _setCCTInputValue(unsigned char warm, unsigned char cold) {
- _setInputValue(0, constrain(warm, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- _setInputValue(1, constrain(cold, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- }
- bool _lightApplyBrightnessChannels(size_t channels) {
- auto scale = static_cast<float>(_light_brightness) / static_cast<float>(Light::BrightnessMax);
- channels = std::min(channels, lightChannels());
- OnceFlag changed;
- for (unsigned char channel = 0; channel < lightChannels(); ++channel) {
- if (channel >= channels) {
- scale = 1.0f;
- }
- changed = _setValue(channel, _light_channels[channel].inputValue * scale);
- }
- return changed.get();
- }
- bool _lightApplyBrightnessAll() {
- return _lightApplyBrightnessChannels(lightChannels());
- }
- bool _lightApplyBrightnessRgb() {
- return _lightApplyBrightnessChannels(3);
- }
- bool _lightApplyBrightnessColor() {
- OnceFlag changed;
- double brightness = static_cast<double>(_light_brightness) / static_cast<double>(Light::BrightnessMax);
- // Substract the common part from RGB channels and add it to white channel. So [250,150,50] -> [200,100,0,50]
- unsigned char white = std::min(_light_channels[0].inputValue, std::min(_light_channels[1].inputValue, _light_channels[2].inputValue));
- for (unsigned int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
- changed = _setValue(i, _light_channels[i].inputValue - white);
- }
- // Split the White Value across 2 White LED Strips.
- if (_light_use_cct) {
- // This change the range from 153-500 to 0-347 so we get a value between 0 and 1 in the end.
- double miredFactor = ((double) _light_mireds - (double) _light_cold_mireds)/((double) _light_warm_mireds - (double) _light_cold_mireds);
- // set cold white
- _light_channels[3].inputValue = 0;
- changed = _setValue(3, lround(((double) 1.0 - miredFactor) * white));
- // set warm white
- _light_channels[4].inputValue = 0;
- changed = _setValue(4, lround(miredFactor * white));
- } else {
- _light_channels[3].inputValue = 0;
- changed = _setValue(3, white);
- }
- // Scale up to equal input values. So [250,150,50] -> [200,100,0,50] -> [250, 125, 0, 63]
- unsigned char max_in = std::max(_light_channels[0].inputValue, std::max(_light_channels[1].inputValue, _light_channels[2].inputValue));
- unsigned char max_out = std::max(std::max(_light_channels[0].value, _light_channels[1].value), std::max(_light_channels[2].value, _light_channels[3].value));
- unsigned char channelSize = _light_use_cct ? 5 : 4;
- if (_light_use_cct) {
- max_out = std::max(max_out, _light_channels[4].value);
- }
- double factor = (max_out > 0) ? (double) (max_in / max_out) : 0;
- for (unsigned char i=0; i < channelSize; i++) {
- changed = _setValue(i, lround((double) _light_channels[i].value * factor * brightness));
- }
- // Scale white channel to match brightness
- for (unsigned char i=3; i < channelSize; i++) {
- changed = _setValue(i, constrain(static_cast<unsigned int>(_light_channels[i].value * LIGHT_WHITE_FACTOR), Light::BrightnessMin, Light::BrightnessMax));
- }
- // For the rest of channels, don't apply brightness, it is already in the inputValue
- // i should be 4 when RGBW and 5 when RGBWW
- for (unsigned char i=channelSize; i < _light_channels.size(); i++) {
- changed = _setValue(i, _light_channels[i].inputValue);
- }
- return changed.get();
- }
- String lightDesc(unsigned char id) {
- if (id < _light_channels.size()) {
- const char tag = pgm_read_byte(&_light_channel_desc[_light_channels.size() - 1][id]);
- switch (tag) {
- case 'W':
- return F("WARM WHITE");
- case 'C':
- return F("COLD WHITE");
- case 'R':
- return F("RED");
- case 'G':
- return F("GREEN");
- case 'B':
- return F("BLUE");
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return F("UNKNOWN");
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Input Values
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _fromLong(unsigned long value, bool brightness) {
- if (brightness) {
- _setRGBInputValue((value >> 24) & 0xFF, (value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF);
- lightBrightness((value & 0xFF) * Light::BrightnessMax / 255);
- } else {
- _setRGBInputValue((value >> 16) & 0xFF, (value >> 8) & 0xFF, (value) & 0xFF);
- }
- }
- void _fromRGB(const char * rgb) {
- // 9 char #........ , 11 char ...,...,...
- if (!_light_has_color) return;
- if (!rgb || (strlen(rgb) == 0)) return;
- // HEX value is always prefixed, like CSS
- // values are interpreted like RGB + optional brightness
- if (rgb[0] == '#') {
- _fromLong(strtoul(rgb + 1, nullptr, 16), strlen(rgb + 1) > 7);
- // With comma separated string, assume decimal values
- } else {
- const auto channels = _light_channels.size();
- unsigned char count = 0;
- char buf[16] = {0};
- strncpy(buf, rgb, sizeof(buf) - 1);
- char *tok = strtok(buf, ",");
- while (tok != NULL) {
- _setInputValue(count, atoi(tok));
- if (++count == channels) break;
- tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
- }
- // If less than 3 values received, set the rest to 0
- if (count < 2) _setInputValue(1, 0);
- if (count < 3) _setInputValue(2, 0);
- return;
- }
- }
- // HSV string is expected to be "H,S,V", where:
- // 0 <= H <= 360
- // 0 <= S <= 100
- // 0 <= V <= 100
- void _fromHSV(const char * hsv) {
- if (!_light_has_color) return;
- if (strlen(hsv) == 0) return;
- char buf[16] = {0};
- strncpy(buf, hsv, sizeof(buf) - 1);
- unsigned char count = 0;
- unsigned int value[3] = {0};
- char * tok = strtok(buf, ",");
- while (tok != NULL) {
- value[count] = atoi(tok);
- if (++count == 3) break;
- tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
- }
- if (count != 3) return;
- // HSV to RGB transformation -----------------------------------------------
- //INPUT: [0,100,57]
- //IS: [145,0,0]
- //SHOULD: [255,0,0]
- const double h = (value[0] == 360) ? 0 : (double) value[0] / 60.0;
- const double f = (h - floor(h));
- const double s = (double) value[1] / 100.0;
- _light_brightness = lround((double) value[2] * (static_cast<double>(Light::BrightnessMax) / 100.0)); // (default 255/100)
- const unsigned char p = lround(Light::ValueMax * (1.0 - s));
- const unsigned char q = lround(Light::ValueMax * (1.0 - s * f));
- const unsigned char t = lround(Light::ValueMax * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f)));
- switch (int(h)) {
- case 0:
- _setRGBInputValue(Light::ValueMax, t, p);
- break;
- case 1:
- _setRGBInputValue(q, Light::ValueMax, p);
- break;
- case 2:
- _setRGBInputValue(p, Light::ValueMax, t);
- break;
- case 3:
- _setRGBInputValue(p, q, Light::ValueMax);
- break;
- case 4:
- _setRGBInputValue(t, p, Light::ValueMax);
- break;
- case 5:
- _setRGBInputValue(Light::ValueMax, p, q);
- break;
- default:
- _setRGBInputValue(Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMin);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Thanks to Sacha Telgenhof for sharing this code in his AiLight library
- // https://github.com/stelgenhof/AiLight
- // Color temperature is measured in mireds (kelvin = 1e6/mired)
- long _toKelvin(const long mireds) {
- return constrain(static_cast<long>(1000000L / mireds), _light_warm_kelvin, _light_cold_kelvin);
- }
- long _toMireds(const long kelvin) {
- return constrain(static_cast<long>(lround(1000000L / kelvin)), _light_cold_mireds, _light_warm_mireds);
- }
- void _lightMireds(const long kelvin) {
- _light_mireds = _toMireds(kelvin);
- }
- void _lightMiredsCCT(const long kelvin) {
- _lightMireds(kelvin);
- // This change the range from 153-500 to 0-347 so we get a value between 0 and 1 in the end.
- const double factor = ((double) _light_mireds - (double) _light_cold_mireds)/((double) _light_warm_mireds - (double) _light_cold_mireds);
- _setCCTInputValue(
- lround(factor * Light::ValueMax),
- lround(((double) 1.0 - factor) * Light::ValueMax)
- );
- }
- void _fromKelvin(long kelvin) {
- if (!_light_has_color) {
- if (!_light_use_cct) return;
- _lightMiredsCCT(kelvin);
- return;
- }
- _lightMireds(kelvin);
- if (_light_use_cct) {
- _setRGBInputValue(Light::ValueMax, Light::ValueMax, Light::ValueMax);
- return;
- }
- // Calculate colors
- kelvin /= 100;
- const unsigned int red = (kelvin <= 66)
- ? Light::ValueMax
- : 329.698727446 * fs_pow((double) (kelvin - 60), -0.1332047592);
- const unsigned int green = (kelvin <= 66)
- ? 99.4708025861 * fs_log(kelvin) - 161.1195681661
- : 288.1221695283 * fs_pow((double) kelvin, -0.0755148492);
- const unsigned int blue = (kelvin >= 66)
- ? Light::ValueMax
- : ((kelvin <= 19)
- ? 0
- : 138.5177312231 * fs_log(kelvin - 10) - 305.0447927307);
- _setRGBInputValue(red, green, blue);
- }
- void _fromMireds(const long mireds) {
- _fromKelvin(_toKelvin(mireds));
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Output Values
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void _toRGB(char * rgb, size_t len, bool target = false) {
- unsigned long value = 0;
- value += target ? _light_channels[0].target : _light_channels[0].inputValue;
- value <<= 8;
- value += target ? _light_channels[1].target : _light_channels[1].inputValue;
- value <<= 8;
- value += target ? _light_channels[2].target : _light_channels[2].inputValue;
- snprintf_P(rgb, len, PSTR("#%06X"), value);
- }
- String _toRGB(bool target) {
- char buffer[64] { 0 };
- _toRGB(buffer, sizeof(buffer), target);
- return buffer;
- }
- void _toHSV(char * hsv, size_t len) {
- double h {0.}, s {0.}, v {0.};
- double r {0.}, g {0.}, b {0.};
- double min {0.}, max {0.};
- r = static_cast<double>(_light_channels[0].target) / Light::ValueMax;
- g = static_cast<double>(_light_channels[1].target) / Light::ValueMax;
- b = static_cast<double>(_light_channels[2].target) / Light::ValueMax;
- min = std::min(r, std::min(g, b));
- max = std::max(r, std::max(g, b));
- v = 100.0 * max;
- if (v == 0) {
- h = s = 0;
- } else {
- s = 100.0 * (max - min) / max;
- if (s == 0) {
- h = 0;
- } else {
- if (max == r) {
- if (g >= b) {
- h = 0.0 + 60.0 * (g - b) / (max - min);
- } else {
- h = 360.0 + 60.0 * (g - b) / (max - min);
- }
- } else if (max == g) {
- h = 120.0 + 60.0 * (b - r) / (max - min);
- } else {
- h = 240.0 + 60.0 * (r - g) / (max - min);
- }
- }
- }
- // Convert to string. Using lround, since we can't (yet) printf floats
- snprintf(hsv, len, "%d,%d,%d",
- static_cast<int>(lround(h)),
- static_cast<int>(lround(s)),
- static_cast<int>(lround(v))
- );
- }
- String _toHSV() {
- char buffer[64] { 0 };
- _toHSV(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- return buffer;
- }
- void _toLong(char * color, size_t len, bool target) {
- if (!_light_has_color) return;
- snprintf_P(color, len, PSTR("%u,%u,%u"),
- (target ? _light_channels[0].target : _light_channels[0].inputValue),
- (target ? _light_channels[1].target : _light_channels[1].inputValue),
- (target ? _light_channels[2].target : _light_channels[2].inputValue)
- );
- }
- void _toLong(char * color, size_t len) {
- _toLong(color, len, false);
- }
- String _toLong(bool target = false) {
- char buffer[64] { 0 };
- _toLong(buffer, sizeof(buffer), target);
- return buffer;
- }
- String _toCSV(bool target) {
- const auto channels = lightChannels();
- String result;
- result.reserve(4 * channels);
- for (auto& channel : _light_channels) {
- if (result.length()) result += ',';
- result += String(target ? channel.target : channel.inputValue);
- }
- return result;
- }
- int _lightAdjustValue(const int& value, const String& operation) {
- if (!operation.length()) return value;
- // if prefixed with a sign, treat expression as numerical operation
- // otherwise, use as the new value
- int updated = operation.toInt();
- if (operation[0] == '+' || operation[0] == '-') {
- updated = value + updated;
- }
- return updated;
- }
- void _lightAdjustBrightness(const char* payload) {
- lightBrightness(_lightAdjustValue(lightBrightness(), payload));
- }
- void _lightAdjustBrightness(const String& payload) {
- _lightAdjustBrightness(payload.c_str());
- }
- void _lightAdjustChannel(unsigned char id, const char* payload) {
- lightChannel(id, _lightAdjustValue(lightChannel(id), payload));
- }
- void _lightAdjustChannel(unsigned char id, const String& payload) {
- _lightAdjustChannel(id, payload.c_str());
- }
- void _lightAdjustKelvin(const char* payload) {
- _fromKelvin(_lightAdjustValue(_toKelvin(_light_mireds), payload));
- }
- void _lightAdjustKelvin(const String& payload) {
- _lightAdjustKelvin(payload.c_str());
- }
- void _lightAdjustMireds(const char* payload) {
- _fromMireds(_lightAdjustValue(_light_mireds, payload));
- }
- void _lightAdjustMireds(const String& payload) {
- _lightAdjustMireds(payload.c_str());
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- namespace {
- class LightTransitionHandler {
- public:
- using Channels = std::vector<channel_t>;
- struct Transition {
- float& value;
- unsigned char target;
- float step;
- size_t count;
- void debug() const {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] Transition from %s to %u (step %s, %u times)\n"),
- String(value, 2).c_str(), target, String(step, 2).c_str(), count);
- }
- };
- explicit LightTransitionHandler(Channels& channels, bool state, LightTransition transition) :
- _state(state),
- _time(transition.time),
- _step(transition.step)
- {
- OnceFlag delayed;
- for (auto& channel : channels) {
- delayed = prepare(channel, state);
- }
- // if nothing to do, ignore transition step & time and just schedule as soon as possible
- if (!delayed) {
- reset();
- return;
- }
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] Scheduled transition for %u (ms) every %u (ms)\n"), _time, _step);
- }
- bool prepare(channel_t& channel, bool state) {
- bool target_state = state && channel.state;
- channel.target = target_state ? channel.value : Light::ValueMin;
- float diff = static_cast<float>(channel.target) - channel.current;
- if (isImmediateTransition(target_state, diff)) {
- Transition transition { channel.current, channel.target, diff, 1};
- _transitions.push_back(std::move(transition));
- return false;
- }
- float step = (diff > 0.0) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
- float every = static_cast<double>(_time) / std::abs(diff);
- if (every < _step) {
- auto step_ref = static_cast<float>(_step);
- step *= (step_ref / every);
- every = step_ref;
- }
- size_t count = _time / every;
- Transition transition { channel.current, channel.target, step, count };
- transition.debug();
- _transitions.push_back(std::move(transition));
- return true;
- }
- void reset() {
- _step = 10;
- _time = 10;
- }
- template <typename StateFunc, typename ValueFunc, typename UpdateFunc>
- bool run(StateFunc&& state, ValueFunc&& value, UpdateFunc&& update) {
- bool next { false };
- if (!_state_notified && _state) {
- _state_notified = true;
- state(_state);
- }
- for (unsigned char index = 0; index < _transitions.size(); ++index) {
- auto& transition = _transitions[index];
- if (!transition.count) {
- continue;
- }
- if (--transition.count) {
- transition.value += transition.step;
- next = true;
- } else {
- transition.value = transition.target;
- }
- value(index, transition.value);
- }
- if (!_state_notified && !next && !_state) {
- _state_notified = true;
- state(_state);
- }
- update();
- return next;
- }
- bool state() const {
- return _state;
- }
- unsigned long step() const {
- return _step;
- }
- unsigned long time() const {
- return _time;
- }
- private:
- bool isImmediateTransition(bool state, float diff) {
- return (!_time || (_step >= _time) || (std::abs(diff) <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()));
- }
- std::vector<Transition> _transitions;
- bool _state_notified { false };
- bool _state;
- unsigned long _time;
- unsigned long _step;
- };
- } // namespace
- struct LightUpdateHandler {
- LightUpdateHandler() = default;
- explicit operator bool() {
- return _run;
- }
- void lock() {
- _lock = true;
- }
- void unlock() {
- _lock = false;
- }
- void reset() {
- _lock = false;
- _run = false;
- }
- void set(bool save, LightTransition transition, int report) {
- if (_lock) {
- panic();
- }
- _run = true;
- _save = save;
- _transition = transition;
- _report = report;
- }
- template <typename T>
- void run(T&& callback) {
- if (!_run) {
- panic();
- }
- lock();
- callback(_save, _transition, _report);
- reset();
- }
- private:
- bool _save;
- LightTransition _transition;
- int _report;
- bool _run { false };
- bool _lock { false };
- };
- LightUpdateHandler _light_update;
- bool _light_provider_update = false;
- std::unique_ptr<LightTransitionHandler> _light_transition;
- Ticker _light_transition_ticker;
- bool _light_use_transitions = false;
- unsigned long _light_transition_time = LIGHT_TRANSITION_TIME;
- unsigned long _light_transition_step = LIGHT_TRANSITION_STEP;
- void _lightProviderSchedule(unsigned long ms);
- // there is no PWM stop and it seems my92xx version is fine by just setting 0 values for channels
- void _lightProviderHandleState(bool) {
- }
- // See cores/esp8266/WMath.cpp::map
- inline bool _lightPwmMap(long value, long& result) {
- constexpr auto divisor = (Light::ValueMax - Light::ValueMin);
- if (divisor != 0l){
- result = (value - Light::ValueMin) * (Light::PwmLimit - Light::PwmMin) / divisor + Light::PwmMin;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // both require original values to be scaled into a PWM frequency
- void _lightProviderHandleValue(unsigned char channel, float value) {
- // TODO: strict rule in the transition itself?
- if (value < 0.0f) {
- return;
- }
- // TODO: have 'red', 'green' or 'blue' tag instead of using hard-coded index offset?
- auto gamma = _light_use_gamma && _light_has_color && (channel < 3);
- auto inverse = _light_channels[channel].inverse;
- auto rounded = std::lround(value);
- if (gamma) {
- rounded = pgm_read_byte(_light_gamma_table + rounded);
- }
- long pwm;
- if (!_lightPwmMap(rounded, pwm)) {
- return;
- }
- if (inverse) {
- pwm = Light::PwmLimit + Light::PwmMin - pwm;
- }
- pwm_set_duty(pwm, channel);
- _my92xx->setChannel(_lightMy92xxChannel(channel), pwm);
- #endif
- }
- void _lightProviderHandleUpdate() {
- pwm_start();
- _my92xx->setState(true);
- _my92xx->update();
- #endif
- }
- void _lightProviderHandleState(bool state) {
- _light_provider->state(state);
- }
- void _lightProviderHandleValue(unsigned char channel, float value) {
- _light_provider->channel(channel, value);
- }
- void _lightProviderHandleUpdate() {
- _light_provider->update();
- }
- #endif
- void _lightProviderUpdate() {
- if (!_light_provider_update) {
- return;
- }
- if (!_light_transition) {
- _light_provider_update = false;
- return;
- }
- auto next = _light_transition->run(
- _lightProviderHandleState,
- _lightProviderHandleValue,
- _lightProviderHandleUpdate);
- if (next) {
- _lightProviderSchedule(_light_transition->step());
- } else {
- _light_transition.reset(nullptr);
- }
- _light_provider_update = false;
- }
- void _lightProviderSchedule(unsigned long ms) {
- _light_transition_ticker.once_ms(ms, []() {
- _light_provider_update = true;
- });
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct LightRtcmem {
- // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- // [ c c c c c b m m ]
- // ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ channels
- // ^ ~ ~ brightness
- // ^ ^ mireds
- explicit LightRtcmem(uint64_t value) {
- _channels[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>((value >> (8ull * 7ull)));
- _channels[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>((value >> (8ull * 6ull)));
- _channels[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>((value >> (8ull * 5ull)));
- _channels[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>((value >> (8ull * 4ull)));
- _channels[4] = static_cast<uint8_t>((value >> (8ull * 3ull)));
- _brightness = (value >> (8ull * 2ull)) & 0xffull;
- _mireds = (value & 0xffffull);
- }
- using Channels = std::array<uint8_t, Light::ChannelsMax>;
- static_assert(Light::ChannelsMax == 5, "");
- LightRtcmem() {
- _channels.fill(Light::ValueMin);
- }
- LightRtcmem(const Channels& channels, long brightness, long mireds) :
- _channels(channels),
- _brightness(brightness),
- _mireds(mireds)
- {}
- uint64_t serialize() const {
- return (static_cast<uint64_t>(_channels[0]) << (8ull * 7ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_channels[1]) << (8ull * 6ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_channels[2]) << (8ull * 5ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_channels[3]) << (8ull * 4ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_channels[4]) << (8ull * 3ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_brightness) << (8ull * 2ull))
- | (static_cast<uint64_t>(_mireds) & 0xffffull);
- }
- static Channels defaultChannels() {
- Channels out;
- out.fill(Light::ValueMin);
- return out;
- }
- const Channels& channels() const {
- return _channels;
- }
- long brightness() const {
- return _brightness;
- }
- long mireds() const {
- return _mireds;
- }
- private:
- Channels _channels;
- long _brightness { Light::BrightnessMax };
- long _mireds { (Light::MiredsWarm + Light::MiredsCold) / 2L };
- };
- bool lightSave() {
- return _light_save;
- }
- void lightSave(bool save) {
- _light_save = save;
- }
- void _lightSaveRtcmem() {
- auto channels = LightRtcmem::defaultChannels();
- for (unsigned char channel = 0; channel < lightChannels(); ++channel) {
- channels[channel] = _light_channels[channel].inputValue;
- }
- LightRtcmem light(channels, _light_brightness, _light_mireds);
- Rtcmem->light = light.serialize();
- }
- void _lightRestoreRtcmem() {
- uint64_t value = Rtcmem->light;
- LightRtcmem light(value);
- auto& channels = light.channels();
- for (unsigned char channel = 0; channel < lightChannels(); ++channel) {
- _light_channels[channel].inputValue = channels[channel];
- }
- _light_brightness = light.brightness();
- _light_mireds = light.mireds();
- }
- void _lightSaveSettings() {
- if (!_light_save) {
- return;
- }
- for (unsigned char channel = 0; channel < lightChannels(); ++channel) {
- setSetting({"ch", channel}, _light_channels[channel].inputValue);
- }
- setSetting("brightness", _light_brightness);
- setSetting("mireds", _light_mireds);
- saveSettings();
- }
- void _lightRestoreSettings() {
- for (unsigned char channel = 0; channel < lightChannels(); ++channel) {
- auto value = getSetting({"ch", channel}, (channel == 0) ? Light::ValueMax : Light::ValueMin);
- _light_channels[channel].inputValue = value;
- }
- _light_brightness = getSetting("brightness", Light::BrightnessMax);
- _light_mireds = getSetting("mireds", _light_mireds);
- }
- bool _lightParsePayload(const char* payload) {
- switch (rpcParsePayload(payload)) {
- case PayloadStatus::On:
- lightState(true);
- break;
- case PayloadStatus::Off:
- lightState(false);
- break;
- case PayloadStatus::Toggle:
- lightState(!_light_state);
- break;
- case PayloadStatus::Unknown:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool _lightParsePayload(const String& payload) {
- return _lightParsePayload(payload.c_str());
- }
- bool _lightTryParseChannel(const char* p, unsigned char& id) {
- char* endp { nullptr };
- const unsigned long result { strtoul(p, &endp, 10) };
- if ((endp == p) || (*endp != '\0') || (result >= lightChannels())) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] Invalid channelID (%s)\n"), p);
- return false;
- }
- id = result;
- return true;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MQTT
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int _lightMqttReportMask() {
- return Light::DefaultReport & ~(static_cast<int>(mqttForward() ? Light::Report::None : Light::Report::Mqtt));
- }
- int _lightMqttReportGroupMask() {
- return _lightMqttReportMask() & ~static_cast<int>(Light::Report::MqttGroup);
- }
- void _lightUpdateFromMqtt(LightTransition transition) {
- lightUpdate(_light_save, transition, _lightMqttReportMask());
- }
- void _lightUpdateFromMqtt() {
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt(lightTransition());
- }
- void _lightUpdateFromMqttGroup() {
- lightUpdate(_light_save, lightTransition(), _lightMqttReportGroupMask());
- }
- bool _lightMqttHeartbeat(heartbeat::Mask mask) {
- if (mask & heartbeat::Report::Light)
- lightMQTT();
- return mqttConnected();
- }
- void _lightMqttCallback(unsigned int type, const char * topic, const char * payload) {
- String mqtt_group_color = getSetting("mqttGroupColor");
- if (type == MQTT_CONNECT_EVENT) {
- if (_light_has_color) {
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_RGB);
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_HSV);
- }
- if (_light_has_color || _light_use_cct) {
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_MIRED);
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_KELVIN);
- }
- // Transition config (everything sent after this will use this new value)
- // Group color
- if (mqtt_group_color.length() > 0) mqttSubscribeRaw(mqtt_group_color.c_str());
- // Channels
- char buffer[strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL) + 3];
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%s/+"), MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL);
- mqttSubscribe(buffer);
- // Global lights control
- if (!_light_has_controls) {
- mqttSubscribe(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT);
- }
- }
- if (type == MQTT_MESSAGE_EVENT) {
- // Group color
- if ((mqtt_group_color.length() > 0) && (mqtt_group_color.equals(topic))) {
- lightColor(payload, true);
- _lightUpdateFromMqttGroup();
- return;
- }
- // Match topic
- String t = mqttMagnitude((char *) topic);
- // Color temperature in mireds
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_MIRED)) {
- _lightAdjustMireds(payload);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- // Color temperature in kelvins
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_KELVIN)) {
- _lightAdjustKelvin(payload);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- // Color
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_RGB)) {
- lightColor(payload, true);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_HSV)) {
- lightColor(payload, false);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- // Transition setting
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_TRANSITION)) {
- lightTransition(strtoul(payload, nullptr, 10), _light_transition_step);
- return;
- }
- // Brightness
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_BRIGHTNESS)) {
- _lightAdjustBrightness(payload);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- // Channel
- if (t.startsWith(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL)) {
- unsigned char id;
- if (!_lightTryParseChannel(t.c_str() + strlen(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL) + 1, id)) {
- return;
- }
- _lightAdjustChannel(id, payload);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- return;
- }
- // Global
- if (t.equals(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT)) {
- _lightParsePayload(payload);
- _lightUpdateFromMqtt();
- }
- }
- }
- void _lightMqttSetup() {
- mqttHeartbeat(_lightMqttHeartbeat);
- mqttRegister(_lightMqttCallback);
- }
- void lightMQTT() {
- char buffer[20];
- if (_light_has_color) {
- // Color
- if (getSetting("useCSS", 1 == LIGHT_USE_CSS)) {
- _toRGB(buffer, sizeof(buffer), true);
- } else {
- _toLong(buffer, sizeof(buffer), true);
- }
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_RGB, buffer);
- _toHSV(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_HSV, buffer);
- }
- if (_light_has_color || _light_use_cct) {
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d"), _light_mireds);
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_MIRED, buffer);
- }
- for (unsigned int i=0; i < _light_channels.size(); i++) {
- itoa(_light_channels[i].target, buffer, 10);
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL, i, buffer);
- }
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PSTR("%d"), _light_brightness);
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_BRIGHTNESS, buffer);
- if (!_light_has_controls) {
- snprintf_P(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%c", _light_state ? '1' : '0');
- mqttSend(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT, buffer);
- }
- }
- void lightMQTTGroup() {
- const String mqtt_group_color = getSetting("mqttGroupColor");
- if (mqtt_group_color.length()) {
- mqttSendRaw(mqtt_group_color.c_str(), _toCSV(false).c_str());
- }
- }
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Broker
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void lightBroker() {
- for (unsigned int id = 0; id < _light_channels.size(); ++id) {
- StatusBroker::Publish(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL, id, _light_channels[id].value);
- }
- }
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // API
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- bool _lightApiTryHandle(ApiRequest& request, T&& callback) {
- auto id_param = request.wildcard(0);
- unsigned char id;
- if (!_lightTryParseChannel(id_param.c_str(), id)) {
- return false;
- }
- return callback(id);
- }
- void _lightApiSetup() {
- if (_light_has_color) {
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_RGB),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- auto result = getSetting("useCSS", 1 == LIGHT_USE_CSS)
- ? _toRGB(true) : _toLong(true);
- request.send(result);
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- lightColor(request.param(F("value")), true);
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_COLOR_HSV),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(_toHSV());
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- lightColor(request.param(F("value")), false);
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_MIRED),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(String(_light_mireds));
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- _lightAdjustMireds(request.param(F("value")));
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_KELVIN),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(String(_toKelvin(_light_mireds)));
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- _lightAdjustKelvin(request.param(F("value")));
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(String(lightTransitionTime()));
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- auto value = request.param(F("value"));
- lightTransition(strtoul(value.c_str(), nullptr, 10), _light_transition_step);
- return true;
- }
- );
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(String(static_cast<int>(_light_brightness)));
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- _lightAdjustBrightness(request.param(F("value")));
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_CHANNEL "/+"),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- return _lightApiTryHandle(request, [&](unsigned char id) {
- request.send(String(static_cast<int>(_light_channels[id].target)));
- return true;
- });
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- return _lightApiTryHandle(request, [&](unsigned char id) {
- _lightAdjustChannel(id, request.param(F("value")));
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- });
- }
- );
- if (!_light_has_controls) {
- apiRegister(F(MQTT_TOPIC_LIGHT),
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- request.send(lightState() ? "1" : "0");
- return true;
- },
- [](ApiRequest& request) {
- _lightParsePayload(request.param(F("value")));
- lightUpdate();
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- }
- #endif // API_SUPPORT
- bool _lightWebSocketOnKeyCheck(const char * key, JsonVariant& value) {
- if (strncmp(key, "light", 5) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, "use", 3) == 0) return true;
- if (strncmp(key, "lt", 2) == 0) return true;
- return false;
- }
- void _lightWebSocketStatus(JsonObject& root) {
- if (_light_has_color) {
- if (getSetting("useRGB", 1 == LIGHT_USE_RGB)) {
- root["rgb"] = lightColor(true);
- } else {
- root["hsv"] = lightColor(false);
- }
- }
- if (_light_use_cct) {
- JsonObject& mireds = root.createNestedObject("mireds");
- mireds["value"] = _light_mireds;
- mireds["cold"] = _light_cold_mireds;
- mireds["warm"] = _light_warm_mireds;
- root["useCCT"] = _light_use_cct;
- }
- JsonArray& channels = root.createNestedArray("channels");
- for (unsigned char id=0; id < _light_channels.size(); id++) {
- channels.add(lightChannel(id));
- }
- root["brightness"] = lightBrightness();
- root["lightstate"] = lightState();
- }
- void _lightWebSocketOnVisible(JsonObject& root) {
- root["colorVisible"] = 1;
- }
- void _lightWebSocketOnConnected(JsonObject& root) {
- root["mqttGroupColor"] = getSetting("mqttGroupColor");
- root["useColor"] = _light_has_color;
- root["useWhite"] = _light_use_white;
- root["useGamma"] = _light_use_gamma;
- root["useTransitions"] = _light_use_transitions;
- root["useCSS"] = getSetting("useCSS", 1 == LIGHT_USE_CSS);
- root["useRGB"] = getSetting("useRGB", 1 == LIGHT_USE_RGB);
- root["ltSave"] = _light_save;
- root["ltTime"] = _light_transition_time;
- root["ltStep"] = _light_transition_step;
- root["ltRelay"] = getSetting("ltRelay", 1 == LIGHT_RELAY_ENABLED);
- #endif
- }
- void _lightWebSocketOnAction(uint32_t client_id, const char * action, JsonObject& data) {
- if (_light_has_color) {
- if (strcmp(action, "color") == 0) {
- if (data.containsKey("rgb")) {
- lightColor(data["rgb"].as<const char*>(), true);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- if (data.containsKey("hsv")) {
- lightColor(data["hsv"].as<const char*>(), false);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- if (_light_use_cct) {
- if (strcmp(action, "mireds") == 0) {
- _fromMireds(data["mireds"]);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(action, "channel") == 0) {
- if (data.containsKey("id") && data.containsKey("value")) {
- lightChannel(data["id"].as<unsigned char>(), data["value"].as<int>());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(action, "brightness") == 0) {
- if (data.containsKey("value")) {
- lightBrightness(data["value"].as<int>());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- void _lightInitCommands() {
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("LIGHT"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- if (!_lightParsePayload(ctx.argv[1].c_str())) {
- terminalError(ctx, F("Invalid payload"));
- return;
- }
- lightUpdate();
- }
- ctx.output.printf("%s\n", _light_state ? "ON" : "OFF");
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("BRIGHTNESS"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- _lightAdjustBrightness(ctx.argv[1].c_str());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- ctx.output.printf("%ld\n", lightBrightness());
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("CHANNEL"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (!lightChannels()) {
- return;
- }
- auto id = -1;
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- id = ctx.argv[1].toInt();
- }
- auto description = [&](unsigned char channel) {
- ctx.output.printf("#%u (%s): %ld\n", channel, lightDesc(id).c_str(), lightChannel(channel));
- };
- if (id < 0 || id >= static_cast<decltype(id)>(lightChannels())) {
- for (unsigned char index = 0; index < lightChannels(); ++index) {
- description(index);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (ctx.argc > 2) {
- _lightAdjustChannel(id, ctx.argv[2].c_str());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- description(id);
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("COLOR"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- lightColor(ctx.argv[1].c_str());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- ctx.output.printf("%s\n", lightColor().c_str());
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("KELVIN"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- _lightAdjustKelvin(ctx.argv[1].c_str());
- lightUpdate();
- }
- ctx.output.printf("%s\n", lightColor().c_str());
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- terminalRegisterCommand(F("MIRED"), [](const terminal::CommandContext& ctx) {
- if (ctx.argc > 1) {
- _lightAdjustMireds(ctx.argv[1]);
- lightUpdate();
- }
- ctx.output.printf("%s\n", lightColor().c_str());
- terminalOK(ctx);
- });
- }
- size_t lightChannels() {
- return _light_channels.size();
- }
- bool lightHasColor() {
- return _light_has_color;
- }
- bool lightUseCCT() {
- return _light_use_cct;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void lightSetReportListener(LightReportListener func) {
- _light_report = func;
- }
- void _lightReport(int report) {
- if (report & Light::Report::Mqtt) {
- lightMQTT();
- }
- if (report & Light::Report::MqttGroup) {
- lightMQTTGroup();
- }
- #endif
- if (report & Light::Report::Web) {
- wsPost(_lightWebSocketStatus);
- }
- #endif
- if (report & Light::Report::Broker) {
- lightBroker();
- }
- #endif
- if (_light_report) {
- _light_report();
- }
- }
- void _lightReport(Light::Report report) {
- _lightReport(static_cast<int>(report));
- }
- // Called in the loop() when we received lightUpdate(...) values
- void _lightUpdate() {
- if (!_light_update) {
- return;
- }
- auto changed = _light_brightness_func();
- if (!_light_state_changed && !changed) {
- _light_update.reset();
- return;
- }
- _light_state_changed = false;
- _light_update.run([](bool save, LightTransition transition, int report) {
- // Channel output values will be set by the handler class and the specified provider
- // We either set the values immediately or schedule an ongoing transition
- _light_transition = std::make_unique<LightTransitionHandler>(_light_channels, _light_state, transition);
- _lightProviderSchedule(_light_transition->step());
- // Send current state to all available 'report' targets
- // (make sure to delay the report, in case lightUpdate is called repeatedly)
- _light_report_ticker.once_ms(_light_report_delay, [report]() {
- _lightReport(report);
- });
- // Always save to RTCMEM, optionally preserve the state in the settings storage
- _lightSaveRtcmem();
- if (save) {
- _light_save_ticker.once_ms(_light_save_delay, _lightSaveSettings);
- }
- });
- }
- void lightUpdate(bool save, LightTransition transition, int report) {
- if (!_light_provider) {
- return;
- }
- #endif
- if (!lightChannels()) {
- return;
- }
- _light_update.set(save, transition, report);
- }
- void lightUpdate(bool save, LightTransition transition, Light::Report report) {
- lightUpdate(save, transition, static_cast<int>(report));
- }
- void lightUpdate(LightTransition transition) {
- lightUpdate(_light_save, transition, Light::DefaultReport);
- }
- void lightUpdate(bool save) {
- lightUpdate(save, lightTransition(), Light::DefaultReport);
- }
- void lightUpdate() {
- lightUpdate(lightTransition());
- }
- void lightState(unsigned char id, bool state) {
- if (id >= _light_channels.size()) return;
- if (_light_channels[id].state != state) {
- _light_channels[id].state = state;
- _light_state_changed = true;
- }
- }
- bool lightState(unsigned char id) {
- if (id >= _light_channels.size()) return false;
- return _light_channels[id].state;
- }
- void lightState(bool state) {
- if (_light_state != state) {
- _light_state = state;
- if (_light_state_listener) {
- _light_state_listener(state);
- }
- _light_state_changed = true;
- }
- }
- bool lightState() {
- return _light_state;
- }
- void lightColor(const char * color, bool rgb) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] %s: %s\n"), rgb ? "RGB" : "HSV", color);
- if (rgb) {
- _fromRGB(color);
- } else {
- _fromHSV(color);
- }
- }
- void lightColor(const String& color, bool rgb) {
- lightColor(color.c_str(), rgb);
- }
- void lightColor(const char* color) {
- lightColor(color, true);
- }
- void lightColor(const String& color) {
- lightColor(color.c_str());
- }
- void lightColor(unsigned long color) {
- _fromLong(color, false);
- }
- String lightColor(bool rgb) {
- char str[12];
- if (rgb) {
- _toRGB(str, sizeof(str));
- } else {
- _toHSV(str, sizeof(str));
- }
- return String(str);
- }
- String lightColor() {
- return lightColor(true);
- }
- long lightChannel(unsigned char id) {
- if (id >= _light_channels.size()) return 0;
- return _light_channels[id].inputValue;
- }
- void lightChannel(unsigned char id, long value) {
- if (id >= _light_channels.size()) return;
- _setInputValue(id, constrain(value, Light::ValueMin, Light::ValueMax));
- }
- void lightChannelStep(unsigned char id, long steps, long multiplier) {
- lightChannel(id, static_cast<int>(lightChannel(id)) + (steps * multiplier));
- }
- long lightBrightness() {
- return _light_brightness;
- }
- void lightBrightness(long brightness) {
- _light_brightness = constrain(brightness, Light::BrightnessMin, Light::BrightnessMax);
- }
- void lightBrightnessStep(long steps, long multiplier) {
- lightBrightness(static_cast<int>(_light_brightness) + (steps * multiplier));
- }
- unsigned long lightTransitionTime() {
- return _light_use_transitions ? _light_transition_time : 0;
- }
- unsigned long lightTransitionStep() {
- return _light_use_transitions ? _light_transition_step : 0;
- }
- LightTransition lightTransition() {
- return {lightTransitionTime(), lightTransitionStep()};
- }
- void lightTransition(unsigned long time, unsigned long step) {
- bool save { false };
- _light_use_transitions = (time && step);
- if (_light_use_transitions) {
- save = true;
- _light_transition_time = time;
- _light_transition_step = step;
- }
- setSetting("useTransitions", _light_use_transitions);
- if (save) {
- setSetting("ltTime", _light_transition_time);
- setSetting("ltStep", _light_transition_step);
- }
- saveSettings();
- }
- void lightTransition(LightTransition transition) {
- lightTransition(transition.time, transition.step);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SETUP
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const unsigned long _light_iomux[16] PROGMEM = {
- };
- const unsigned long _light_iofunc[16] PROGMEM = {
- };
- #endif
- void _lightConfigure() {
- _light_has_color = getSetting("useColor", 1 == LIGHT_USE_COLOR);
- if (_light_has_color && (_light_channels.size() < 3)) {
- _light_has_color = false;
- setSetting("useColor", _light_has_color);
- }
- _light_use_white = getSetting("useWhite", 1 == LIGHT_USE_WHITE);
- if (_light_use_white && (_light_channels.size() < 4) && (_light_channels.size() != 2)) {
- _light_use_white = false;
- setSetting("useWhite", _light_use_white);
- }
- if (_light_has_color) {
- if (_light_use_white) {
- _light_brightness_func = _lightApplyBrightnessColor;
- } else {
- _light_brightness_func = _lightApplyBrightnessRgb;
- }
- } else {
- _light_brightness_func = _lightApplyBrightnessAll;
- }
- _light_use_cct = getSetting("useCCT", 1 == LIGHT_USE_CCT);
- if (_light_use_cct && (((_light_channels.size() < 5) && (_light_channels.size() != 2)) || !_light_use_white)) {
- _light_use_cct = false;
- setSetting("useCCT", _light_use_cct);
- }
- _light_cold_mireds = getSetting("lightColdMired", Light::MiredsCold);
- _light_warm_mireds = getSetting("lightWarmMired", Light::MiredsWarm);
- _light_cold_kelvin = (1000000L / _light_cold_mireds);
- _light_warm_kelvin = (1000000L / _light_warm_mireds);
- _light_use_gamma = getSetting("useGamma", 1 == LIGHT_USE_GAMMA);
- _light_use_transitions = getSetting("useTransitions", 1 == LIGHT_USE_TRANSITIONS);
- _light_save = getSetting("ltSave", 1 == LIGHT_SAVE_ENABLED);
- _light_save_delay = getSetting("ltSaveDelay", LIGHT_SAVE_DELAY);
- _light_transition_time = getSetting("ltTime", LIGHT_TRANSITION_TIME);
- _light_transition_step = getSetting("ltStep", LIGHT_TRANSITION_STEP);
- }
- void _lightRelaySupport() {
- if (!getSetting("ltRelay", 1 == LIGHT_RELAY_ENABLED)) {
- return;
- }
- if (_light_has_controls) {
- return;
- }
- auto next_id = relayCount();
- if (relayAdd(std::make_unique<LightGlobalProvider>())) {
- _light_state_listener = [next_id](bool state) {
- relayStatus(next_id, state);
- };
- _light_has_controls = true;
- }
- }
- #endif
- void _lightBoot() {
- auto channels = _light_channels.size();
- if (channels) {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] Number of channels: %u\n"), channels);
- _lightConfigure();
- if (rtcmemStatus()) {
- _lightRestoreRtcmem();
- } else {
- _lightRestoreSettings();
- }
- _light_state_changed = true;
- lightUpdate(false);
- }
- }
- // Custom provider is expected to:
- // - register a controller class via `lightSetProvider(...)`
- // - use `lightAdd()` N times to create N channels that will be handled via the controller
- // Once that's done, we 'boot' the provider and disable further calls to the `lightAdd()`
- void lightSetProvider(std::unique_ptr<LightProvider>&& ptr) {
- _light_provider = std::move(ptr);
- }
- bool lightAdd() {
- enum class State {
- None,
- Scheduled,
- Done
- };
- static State state { State::None };
- if (State::Done == state) {
- return false;
- }
- if (_light_channels.size() < Light::ChannelsMax) {
- _light_channels.push_back(channel_t());
- if (State::Scheduled != state) {
- state = State::Scheduled;
- schedule_function([]() {
- _lightBoot();
- state = State::Done;
- });
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- #else
- bool lightAdd() {
- return false;
- }
- void _lightProviderDebug() {
- DEBUG_MSG_P(PSTR("[LIGHT] Provider: "
- "NONE"
- "MY92XX"
- #endif
- "\n"));
- }
- void _lightSettingsMigrate(int version) {
- if (!version || (version >= 5)) {
- return;
- }
- delSettingPrefix({
- "chGPIO",
- "chLogic",
- "myChips",
- "myDCKGPIO",
- "myDIGPIO"
- });
- delSetting("lightProvider");
- moveSetting("lightTime", "ltTime");
- }
- void lightSetup() {
- _lightSettingsMigrate(migrateVersion());
- const auto enable_pin = getSetting("ltEnableGPIO", _lightEnablePin());
- if (enable_pin != GPIO_NONE) {
- pinMode(enable_pin, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(enable_pin, HIGH);
- }
- _light_channels.reserve(Light::ChannelsMax);
- _lightProviderDebug();
- {
- _my92xx = new my92xx(MY92XX_MODEL, MY92XX_CHIPS, MY92XX_DI_PIN, MY92XX_DCKI_PIN, MY92XX_COMMAND);
- for (unsigned char index = 0; index < Light::Channels; ++index) {
- _light_channels.emplace_back(GPIO_NONE, getSetting({"ltMy92xxInv", index}, _lightInverse(index)));
- }
- }
- {
- // Initial duty value (will be passed to pwm_set_duty(...), OFF in this case)
- uint32_t pwm_duty_init[Light::ChannelsMax] = {0};
- // 3-tuples of MUX_REGISTER, MUX_VALUE and GPIO number
- uint32_t io_info[Light::ChannelsMax][3];
- for (unsigned char index = 0; index < Light::ChannelsMax; ++index) {
- // Load up until first GPIO_NONE. Allow settings to override, but not remove values
- const auto pin = getSetting({"ltDimmerGPIO", index}, _lightChannelPin(index));
- if (!gpioValid(pin)) {
- break;
- }
- _light_channels.emplace_back(pin, getSetting({"ltDimmerInv", index}, _lightInverse(index)));
- io_info[index][0] = pgm_read_dword(&_light_iomux[pin]);
- io_info[index][1] = pgm_read_dword(&_light_iofunc[pin]);
- io_info[index][2] = pin;
- pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
- }
- // with 0 channels this should not do anything at all and provider will never call pwm_set_duty(...)
- pwm_init(Light::PwmMax, pwm_duty_init, _light_channels.size(), io_info);
- pwm_start();
- }
- #endif
- _lightBoot();
- _lightRelaySupport();
- #endif
- wsRegister()
- .onVisible(_lightWebSocketOnVisible)
- .onConnected(_lightWebSocketOnConnected)
- .onData(_lightWebSocketStatus)
- .onAction(_lightWebSocketOnAction)
- .onKeyCheck(_lightWebSocketOnKeyCheck);
- #endif
- _lightApiSetup();
- #endif
- _lightMqttSetup();
- #endif
- _lightInitCommands();
- #endif
- espurnaRegisterReload(_lightConfigure);
- espurnaRegisterLoop([]() {
- _lightUpdate();
- _lightProviderUpdate();
- });
- }