When in "WiFi status" it will blink at 1Hz when trying to connecting. If successfully connected if will briefly lit every 5 seconds if in STA mode or every second if in AP mode.<br/>
When in "MQTT managed" mode you will be able to set the LED state sending a message to "<base_topic>/led/0/set" with a payload of 0, 1 or 2 (to toggle it).<br/>
When in "Find me" mode the LED will be ON when all relays are OFF. This is meant to locate switches at night.<br/>
When in "Mixed" mode it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly on when relays are OFF, and mostly OFF when any of them is ON.
When in "Mixed" mode it will follow the WiFi status but will stay mostly on when relays are OFF, and mostly OFF when any of them is ON.<br/>
"Always ON" and "Always OFF" modes are self-explanatory.