ESPurna ("spark" in Catalan) is a custom firmware for ESP8266 based smart switches and sensors.
It uses the Arduino Core for ESP8266 framework and a number of 3rd party libraries.
KRACK vulnerability free (when built against Arduino Core 2.4.0)
Support for multiple ESP8266-based boards (check list)
Power saving options
Wifi AP Mode or STA mode
Up to 5 different networks can be defined
Supports static IP
Scans for strongest network if more than one defined (also available in web UI)
Handles correctly multiple AP with the same SSID
Defaults to AP mode (also available after double clicking the main button)
Network visibility
Supports mDNS (service reporting and metadata) both server mode and client mode (.local name resolution)
Supports NetBIOS, LLMNR and Netbios (when built against Arduino Core 2.4.0) and SSDP (experimental)
Switch management
Support for push buttons and toggle switches
Configurable status on boot per switch (always ON, always OFF, same as before or toggle)
Support for pulse mode per switch (normally ON or normally OFF) with configurable time
Support for relay synchronization (all equal, only one ON, one and only on ON)
Support for MQTT groups to sync switches between devices
Show debug info and allows to run terminal commands
NTP for time synchronization
Supports worldwide time zones
Compatible with DST
Unstable system check
Detects unstable system (crashes on boot continuously) and defaults to a stable system
Only WiFi AP, OTA and Telnet available if system is flagged as unstable
Configurable LED notifications based on WiFi status, relays status or MQTT messages.
Button interface
Click to toggle relays
Double click to enter AP mode (only main button)
Long click (>1 second) to reboot device (only main button)
Extra long click (>10 seconds) to go back to factory settings (only main button)
Specific definitions for touch button devices (ESPurna Switch, Sonoff Touch & T1)
2018-01-24: This repository has been migrated from Bitbucket to GitHub. There were a number of reason to migrate the repository to GitHub. I like Bitbucket and I'm still using it for a lot of projects, but ESPurna has grown and its community as well. Some users have complain about Bitbucket not being enough community-focused. This change is mainly aimed to use a platform with greater acceptance on the open-source community and tools better suited to them (to you), like the possibility to contribute to the documentation in an easy way.
What happened with all the info in Bitbucket? Well, most of it has been ported to GitHub, albeit with some quirks:
Code has, of course been migrated completely
Issues are all on GitHub already but all issues and comments show up as reported by me. The original reporter is referenced inside the body of the issue (or comment) with a link to his/her profile at Bitbucket and a link to his/her profile at GitHub if it happens to be the same username. I suggest all reporters to subscribe to the issues they originally filed (search for your BitBucket username to list them).
Pull requests historic has not been migrated. At the moment of the migration all pull-requests have been either merged or declined. Of course, those PR merged are in the code base, but the historic and comments in the PR pages will be lost.
Documentation it's on it way, first step will be to migrate existing wiki, maybe with a new TOC structure
Watchers, Forks, I'm afraid they are all gone. Visit the new repop home and click on the "Watch" button on the top right. And as you do it click also on the "Star" button too :)
I apologize for any inconvenience this migration may have caused. I have decided to do it the hard way.
2018-01-11: As of current version (1.12.0) ESPurna is tested using Arduino Core 2.3.0 and it's meant to be built against that version.
2017-08-26: since version 1.9.0 the default MQTT topics for commands have changed. They all now end with "/set". This means you will have to change your controller software (Node-RED or alike) to send messages to -for instance- "/home/living/light/relay/0/set". The device will publish its state in "/home/living/light/relay/0" like before.
2017-07-24: Default flash layout changed in 1.8.3, as an unpredicted consequence devices will not be able to persist/retrieve configuration if flashed with 1.8.3 via OTA from PlatformIO. Please check issue #187.
There are several ways to contribute to ESpurna development. You can contribute to the repository by doing:
Pull requests (fixes, enhancements, new features... are very welcome)
Documentation (I reckon I'm bad at it)
Testing (filing issues or help resolving them, they take a lot of time and sometimes I don't have the required hardware to test them all)
And of course you can always buy me a beer, coffee, tea,... via the donation button below.
For more information please refer to the ESPurna Wiki.
Supported hardware
Here is the list of supported hardware. For more information please refer to the ESPurna Wiki Hardware page.
Copyright (C) 2016-2018 by Xose Pérez (@xoseperez)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see