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13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
  1. # Junk files
  2. *.bak
  3. *.swp
  4. *~
  5. .DS_Store
  6. # Build artifacts
  7. .clang_complete
  8. .build/
  9. *.elf
  10. *.log
  11. *.lss
  12. *.lst
  13. *.map
  14. *.o
  15. *.stackdump
  16. *.sym
  17. # QMK-specific
  18. api_data/v1
  19. doxygen/
  20. quantum/version.h
  21. *.bin
  22. *.eep
  23. *.hex
  24. *.qmk
  25. *.uf2
  26. # Old-style QMK Makefiles
  27. /keyboards/*/Makefile
  28. /keyboards/*/*/Makefile
  29. /keyboards/*/*/*/Makefile
  30. /keyboards/*/*/*/*/Makefile
  31. /keyboards/*/*/*/*/*/Makefile
  32. /keyboards/*/keymaps/Makefile
  33. /keyboards/*/*/keymaps/Makefile
  34. /keyboards/*/*/*/keymaps/Makefile
  35. /keyboards/*/*/*/*/keymaps/Makefile
  36. /keyboards/*/*/*/*/*/keymaps/Makefile
  37. # Eclipse/PyCharm/Other IDE Settings
  38. *.iml
  39. .browse.VC.db*
  40. .cproject
  41. .idea
  42. .idea/
  43. .project
  44. .settings/
  45. .vagrant/
  46. # ?
  47. .dep
  48. .history/
  49. build/
  50. cmake-build-debug
  51. CMakeLists.txt
  52. # Let these ones be user specific, since we have so many different configurations
  53. *.code-workspace
  54. .stfolder
  55. .tags
  56. .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
  57. .vscode/ipch/
  58. .vscode/last.sql
  59. .vscode/launch.json
  60. .vscode/tasks.json
  61. .vscode/temp.sql
  62. tags
  63. # Ignore image files
  64. *.gif
  65. *.jpg
  66. *.png
  67. # Things Travis sees
  68. /.vs
  69. id_rsa_*
  70. secrets.tar
  71. # Python things
  72. __pycache__
  73. .python-version
  74. # Prerequisites for updating ChibiOS
  75. /util/fmpp*
  76. # Allow to exist but don't include it in the repo
  77. user_song_list.h