- # Using the MH-USB Disk
- ## Organisation of the MH-USB Disk
- The files on the MH-USB disk are arranged as follows:
- ```
- /OS/ <-- Contains OS Images
- /Tools/ <-- Contains some tools and software
- /RPi/ <-- OS Images for the Raspberry Pi
- /ventoy/ <-- Config files for the Ventoy/Grub2 bootloader
- ```
- The MH-USB partition of the USB disk is formatted with [exFAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ExFAT).
- This enables universal access to the data on any operating system that supports exFAT.
- ## Booting on physical computer
- You boot the USB disk on a physical computer (dekstop, laptop, single-board
- computer or laptop) by simply plugging it in and choosing it as a boot device.
- The MH-USB runs the [GRUB2](https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/) boot
- loader and will boot just fine with a "legacy" BIOS or UEFI BIOS.
- The USB make would show up as a USB disk called "Generic Flash Drive":
- <figure>
- <img src="/images/usb/boot-device.jpg" width="600">
- </figure>
- Just choose it as the boot device and you will be greeted by the MH-USB
- boot screen.
- ## Booting on a virtual machine
- You can also boot the USB using a virtual machine. On a GNU/Linux
- system, one can use QEMU to boot the USB.
- First check the device name assigned to the USB disk. A quick way to
- check it out would be to use the `lsblk` command like this:
- ``` shell-session
- $ lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,HOTPLUG -P -d | grep "HOTPLUG=\"1\"" | cut -d" " -f1
- NAME="sdb"
- ```
- The command above will list out all the USB disks attached to your
- computer. (Actually, all "HOTPLUG" storage devices - which includes USB
- storage.)
- ### Booting a virtual machine with SeaBIOS
- To boot the USB disk using QEMU + SeaBIOS, install the `qemu` package
- from your GNU/Linux OS repository and then run:
- ``` shell-session
- $ DEVICE=`lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,HOTPLUG -P -d | grep "HOTPLUG=\"1\"" | cut -d"\"" -f2`
- $ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
- -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -m 2G -vga std \
- -drive file=/dev/$DEVICE,readonly=on,cache=none,format=raw,if=virtio
- ```
- This will boot the USB via QEMU and show you the boot screen in a popup window.
- ### Booting a virtual machine with a UEFI BIOS
- If you want to try booting the USB with QEMU with the `tianocore` UEFI BIOS, first install the OVMF
- (Open Virtual Machine Firmware) packages.
- On Debian and Debian-based distributions run:
- ``` shell-session
- # apt-get install ovmf
- $ BIOS="/usr/share/qemu/OVMF.fd"
- ```
- On Archlinux-based distributions run:
- ``` shell-session
- # pacman -S edk2-ovmf
- $ BIOS="/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd"
- ```
- ```bash
- $ DEVICE=`lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,HOTPLUG -P -d | grep "HOTPLUG=\"1\"" | cut -d"\"" -f2`
- $ sudo qemu-system-x86_64 \
- -bios $BIOS \
- -enable-kvm -rtc base=localtime -m 2G -vga std \
- -drive file=/dev/$DEVICE,readonly=on,cache=none,format=raw,if=virtio
- ```
- ## Writing an image to another USB drive
- While a multi-boot USB is nice, there might be times when you want to write an OS image to another
- USB disk. The MH-USB includes the "RaspberryPi Imager" (`rpi-imager`) tool to help you write an OS
- image to a USB disk safely and quickly.
- You can run the the `rpi-imager` directly from the USB. Insert the MH-USB into a GNU/Linux (or
- Windows) computer and mount it. In the `Tools/` directory on the USB, you will see binaries for the
- Raspberry Pi imager. You can use it to write any of the bootable operating system images to another
- USB.
- *[TODO: Include more details and screenshots!]*
- ## Working with Raspberry Pi images
- *[TODO: Include details with screenshots]*