- [platformio]
- default_envs = wemos-d1mini-relayshield
- src_dir = espurna
- data_dir = espurna/data
- extra_configs =
- platformio_ota.ini
- [common]
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # !! DO NOT confuse platformio's ESP8266 development platform with Arduino core for ESP8266
- # We use Arduino Core 2.3.0 (platformIO 1.5.0) as default
- #
- # arduino core 2.3.0 = platformIO 1.5.0
- # arduino core 2.4.0 = platformIO 1.6.0 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.4.1 = platformIO 1.7.3 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.4.2 = platformIO 1.8.0 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.5.0 = platformIO 2.0.4 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.5.1 = platformIO 2.1.1 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.5.2 = platformIO 2.2.3 (not supported)
- # arduino core 2.6.1 = platformIO 2.3.0
- # arduino core 2.6.2 = platformIO 2.3.1
- # arduino core 2.6.3 = platformIO 2.3.2
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- arduino_core_2_3_0 = espressif8266@1.5.0
- arduino_core_2_4_0 = espressif8266@1.6.0
- arduino_core_2_4_1 = espressif8266@1.7.3
- arduino_core_2_4_2 = espressif8266@1.8.0
- arduino_core_2_5_0 = espressif8266@2.0.4
- arduino_core_2_5_1 = espressif8266@2.1.1
- arduino_core_2_5_2 = espressif8266@2.2.3
- arduino_core_2_6_1 = espressif8266@2.3.0
- arduino_core_2_6_2 = espressif8266@2.3.1
- arduino_core_2_6_3 = espressif8266@2.3.2
- # Development platforms
- arduino_core_develop = https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif8266#develop
- arduino_core_git = https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif8266#feature/stage
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_2_3_0}
- platform_latest = ${common.arduino_core_2_6_3}
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if needed (for memleaks etc) also add; -DDEBUG_ESP_OOM -include "umm_malloc/umm_malloc_cfg.h"
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # FLAGS: build flags
- # build flags for 512k/1m ESP's are different because we use Linker Scripts to adjust flash split
- # build_flags_512k ( 512 KB) = 487 KB sketch, 4 KB eeprom, 16 KB reserved
- # build_flags_1m0m (1024 KB) = 999 KB sketch, 4 KB eeprom, 16 KB reserved
- # build_flags_2m1m (2048 KB) = 1019 KB sketch, 16 KB eeprom, 992 KB spiffs, 16 KB reserved
- # build_flags_4m1m (4096 KB) = 1019 KB sketch, 16 KB eeprom, 992 KB spiffs, 16 KB reserved, 2048 KB empty/ota?
- # build_flags_4m3m (4096 KB) = 1019 KB sketch, 16 KB eeprom, 3040 KB spiffs, 16 KB reserved
- #
- # Available lwIP variants (macros):
- # -DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH = v1.4 Higher Bandwidth (default)
- #
- # BearSSL performance:
- # When building with -DSECURE_CLIENT=SECURE_CLIENT_BEARSSL, please add `board_build.f_cpu = 160000000` to the environment configuration
- #
- # BearSSL ciphers:
- # When building on core >= 2.5, you can add the build flag -DBEARSSL_SSL_BASIC in order to build BearSSL with a limited set of ciphers:
- # TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 / AES128-SHA256
- # TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 / AES256-SHA256
- # This reduces the OTA size with ~45KB, so it's especially useful on low memory boards (512k/1m).
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- board_1m = esp01_1m
- board_2m = esp_wroom_02
- board_4m = esp12e
- build_flags_512k = ${common.build_flags} -Wl,-Teagle.flash.512k0m1s.ld
- build_flags_1m0m = ${common.build_flags} -Wl,-Teagle.flash.1m0m1s.ld
- build_flags_2m1m = ${common.build_flags} -Wl,-Teagle.flash.2m1m4s.ld
- build_flags_4m1m = ${common.build_flags} -Wl,-Teagle.flash.4m1m4s.ld
- build_flags_4m3m = ${common.build_flags} -Wl,-Teagle.flash.4m3m4s.ld
- shared_libdeps_dir = libraries/
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env]
- platform = ${common.platform}
- framework = arduino
- board_build.flash_mode = dout
- monitor_speed = 115200
- upload_speed = 115200
- extra_scripts = pre:scripts/pio_pre.py, scripts/pio_main.py
- lib_extra_dirs =
- ${common.shared_libdeps_dir}
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # LIBRARIES: required dependencies
- # Please note that we don't always use the latest version of a library.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- lib_deps =
- ArduinoJson@5.13.4
- https://github.com/marvinroger/async-mqtt-client#v0.8.1
- Brzo I2C
- https://github.com/xoseperez/debounceevent.git#2.0.5
- https://github.com/xoseperez/eeprom_rotate#0.9.2
- Embedis
- https://github.com/plerup/espsoftwareserial#3.4.1
- https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncTCP#7e9ed22
- https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer#b0c6144
- https://bitbucket.org/xoseperez/fauxmoesp.git#3.1.0
- https://github.com/xoseperez/hlw8012.git#1.1.0
- https://github.com/markszabo/IRremoteESP8266#v2.2.0
- https://github.com/xoseperez/justwifi.git#2.0.2
- https://github.com/madpilot/mDNSResolver#4cfcda1
- https://github.com/xoseperez/my92xx#3.0.1
- https://bitbucket.org/xoseperez/nofuss.git#0.3.0
- https://github.com/xoseperez/NtpClient.git#0942ebc
- OneWire
- PZEM004T
- PubSubClient
- rc-switch
- https://github.com/LowPowerLab/RFM69#7008d57a
- https://github.com/xoseperez/rpnlib.git#0.3.0
- https://github.com/xoseperez/Time
- NewPing
- https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_VEML6075_Arduino_Library#V_1.0.3
- https://github.com/pololu/vl53l1x-arduino#1.0.1
- https://github.com/mcleng/MAX6675-Library#2.0.1
- https://github.com/ElderJoy/esp8266-oled-ssd1306#4.0.1
- lib_ignore =
- AsyncTCP
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:espurna-core-1MB]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DESPURNA_CORE
- [env:espurna-core-2MB]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE
- [env:espurna-core-4MB]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE
- [env:espurna-core-smartconfig-1MB]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_SMARTCONFIG=1
- [env:espurna-core-smartconfig-2MB]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_SMARTCONFIG=1
- [env:espurna-core-smartconfig-4MB]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_SMARTCONFIG=1
- [env:espurna-core-wps-1MB]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_WPS=1
- [env:espurna-core-wps-2MB]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_WPS=1
- [env:espurna-core-wps-4MB]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DESPURNA_CORE -DJUSTWIFI_ENABLE_WPS=1
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:espurna-base-1MB]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DESPURNA_BASE
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:esp8266-1m-ota]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m}
- [env:esp8266-2m-ota]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m}
- [env:esp8266-4m-ota]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- [env:esp8266-latest-1m-ota]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m}
- [env:esp8266-latest-2m-ota]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m}
- [env:esp8266-latest-4m-ota]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- [env:esp8266-git-1m-ota]
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_git}
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m}
- [env:esp8266-git-2m-ota]
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_git}
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m}
- [env:esp8266-git-4m-ota]
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_git}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # SPECIAL BUILDS - DO. NOT. USE. ever ---
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:travis-2_3_0]
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_2_3_0}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- [env:travis-latest]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- [env:travis-git]
- platform = ${common.arduino_core_git}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:wemos-d1mini]
- board = d1_mini
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DWEMOS_D1_MINI -DDEBUG_FAUXMO=Serial -DNOWSAUTH
- [env:wemos-d1mini-relayshield]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DWEMOS_D1_MINI_RELAYSHIELD -DDEBUG_FAUXMO=Serial -DNOWSAUTH
- [env:wemos-d1mini-relayshield-ssl]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DWEMOS_D1_MINI_RELAYSHIELD -DDEBUG_FAUXMO=Serial -DNOWSAUTH -DASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED=1
- [env:nodemcu-lolin]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DNODEMCU_LOLIN -DDEBUG_FAUXMO=Serial -DNOWSAUTH
- [env:nodemcu-lolin-latest]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DNODEMCU_LOLIN -DDEBUG_FAUXMO=Serial -DNOWSAUTH
- [env:nodemcu-lolin-ssl]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags =
- ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- src_build_flags =
- [env:nodemcu-lolin-secure-client]
- platform = ${common.platform_latest}
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- board_build.f_cpu = 160000000
- build_flags =
- ${common.build_flags_4m1m}
- src_build_flags =
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:tinkerman-espurna-h06]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DTINKERMAN_ESPURNA_H06
- [env:tinkerman-espurna-h08]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DTINKERMAN_ESPURNA_H08
- [env:tinkerman-espurna-switch]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DTINKERMAN_ESPURNA_SWITCH
- [env:wemos-d1-tarpunashield]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DWEMOS_D1_TARPUNA_SHIELD
- [env:tinkerman-rfm69gw]
- board = esp12e
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DTINKERMAN_RFM69GW -DNOWSAUTH
- [env:nodemcu-pzem004t]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- [env:foxel-lightfox-dual]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DFOXEL_LIGHTFOX_DUAL -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:itead-sonoff-basic]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC
- [env:itead-sonoff-basic-dht]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC -DDHT_SUPPORT=1
- [env:itead-sonoff-basic-r2-dht]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC -DDHT_SUPPORT=1 -DDHT_PIN=2
- [env:itead-sonoff-basic-dallas]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC -DDALLAS_SUPPORT=1
- [env:itead-sonoff-basic-r2-dallas]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_BASIC -DDALLAS_SUPPORT=1 -DDALLAS_PIN=2
- [env:itead-sonoff-rf]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_RF
- [env:itead-sonoff-mini]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_MINI
- [env:itead-sonoff-th]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_TH
- [env:itead-sonoff-pow]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_POW
- [env:itead-sonoff-pow-r2]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_POW_R2 -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- [env:itead-sonoff-dual]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_DUAL -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- [env:itead-sonoff-dual-r2]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_DUAL_R2
- [env:itead-sonoff-4ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_4CH
- [env:itead-sonoff-4ch-pro]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_4CH_PRO
- [env:itead-sonoff-touch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_TOUCH
- [env:itead-sonoff-b1]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_B1
- [env:itead-sonoff-t1-1ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_T1_1CH
- [env:itead-sonoff-t1-2ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_T1_2CH
- [env:itead-sonoff-t1-3ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_T1_3CH
- [env:itead-sonoff-led]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_LED
- [env:itead-sonoff-rfbridge]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_RFBRIDGE -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- [env:itead-sonoff-rfbridge-direct]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_RFBRIDGE -DRFB_DIRECT
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:itead-slampher]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SLAMPHER
- [env:itead-s20]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_S20
- [env:itead-1ch-inching]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_1CH_INCHING
- [env:itead-motor]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_MOTOR
- [env:itead-sonoff-sv]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_SV
- [env:itead-sonoff-s31]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_S31 -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- [env:itead-sonoff-s31-lite]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_S31_LITE
- [env:itead-sonoff-ifan02]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_SONOFF_IFAN02
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:electrodragon-wifi-iot]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DELECTRODRAGON_WIFI_IOT -DDHT_SUPPORT=1
- [env:workchoice-ecoplug]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DWORKCHOICE_ECOPLUG
- [env:jangoe-wifi-relay-nc]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DJANGOE_WIFI_RELAY_NC
- [env:jangoe-wifi-relay-no]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DJANGOE_WIFI_RELAY_NO
- [env:openenergymonitor-mqtt-relay]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DOPENENERGYMONITOR_MQTT_RELAY -DDALLAS_SUPPORT=1
- [env:jorgegarcia-wifi-relays]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DJORGEGARCIA_WIFI_RELAYS
- [env:aithinker-ai-light]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DAITHINKER_AI_LIGHT
- [env:lyasi-rgb-light]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLYASI_LIGHT
- [env:magichome-led-controller]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_LED_CONTROLLER
- [env:magichome-led-controller-20]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_LED_CONTROLLER_20
- [env:magichome-zj-wfmn-a-11]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_ZJ_WFMN_A_11
- [env:magichome-zj-wfmn-b-11]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_ZJ_WFMN_B_11
- [env:magichome-zj-espm-5ch-b-13]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_ZJ_ESPM_5CH_B_13
- [env:magichome-zj-lb-rgbww-l]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_ZJ_LB_RGBWW_L
- [env:magichome-zj-wfmn-c-11]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAGICHOME_ZJ_WFMN_C_11
- [env:huacanxing-h801]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHUACANXING_H801
- [env:huacanxing-h802]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHUACANXING_H802
- [env:arilux-al-lc01]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_AL_LC01
- [env:arilux-al-lc02]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_AL_LC02
- [env:arilux-al-lc02-v14]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_AL_LC02_V14
- [env:arilux-al-lc06]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_AL_LC06
- [env:arilux-al-lc11]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_AL_LC11
- [env:arilux-e27]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DARILUX_E27
- [env:itead-bnsz01]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DITEAD_BNSZ01
- [env:wion-50055]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DWION_50055
- [env:exs-wifi-relay-v31]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DEXS_WIFI_RELAY_V31
- [env:exs-wifi-relay-v50]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DEXS_WIFI_RELAY_V50
- [env:wemos-v9261f]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DGENERIC_V9261F
- [env:esp01-v9261f]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_V9261F
- [env:wemos-ech1560]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DGENERIC_ECH1560
- [env:esp01-ech1560]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ECH1560
- [env:mancavemade-esplive]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DMANCAVEMADE_ESPLIVE
- [env:tuya-generic-dimmer]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- [env:intermittech-quinled]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DINTERMITTECH_QUINLED
- [env:xenon-sm-pw702u]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DXENON_SM_PW702U
- [env:iselector-sm-pw702]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DISELECTOR_SM_PW702
- [env:authometion-lyt8266]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DAUTHOMETION_LYT8266
- [env:kmc-70011]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DKMC_70011
- [env:yjzk-switch-1ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DYJZK_SWITCH_1CH
- [env:yjzk-switch-2ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DYJZK_SWITCH_2CH
- [env:yjzk-switch-3ch]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DYJZK_SWITCH_3CH
- [env:generic-8ch]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DGENERIC_8CH
- [env:gizwits-witty-cloud]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DGIZWITS_WITTY_CLOUD
- [env:euromate-wifi-stecker-shuko]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DEUROMATE_WIFI_STECKER_SCHUKO
- [env:euromate-wifi-stecker-shuko-v2]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DEUROMATE_WIFI_STECKER_SCHUKO_V2
- [env:tonbux-powerstrip02]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTONBUX_POWERSTRIP02
- [env:lingan-swa1]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLINGAN_SWA1
- [env:stm-relay]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DSTM_RELAY -DDISABLE_POSTMORTEM_STACKDUMP
- [env:heygo-hy02]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHEYGO_HY02
- [env:maxcio-wus002s]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAXCIO_WUS002S
- [env:maxcio-wde004]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMAXCIO_WDE004
- [env:yidian-xsssa05]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DYIDIAN_XSSSA05
- [env:oukitel-p1]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DOUKITEL_P1
- [env:tonbux-xsssa01]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DTONBUX_XSSSA01
- [env:tonbux-xsssa06]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTONBUX_XSSSA06
- [env:green-esp8266relay]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DGREEN_ESP8266RELAY
- [env:ike-espike]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DIKE_ESPIKE
- [env:arniex-swifitch]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DARNIEX_SWIFITCH
- [env:zhilde-eu44-w]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DZHILDE_EU44_W
- [env:luani-hvio]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLUANI_HVIO
- [env:avatto-power-plug-wifi]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DAVATTO_NAS_WR01W
- [env:neo-coolcam-power-plug-wifi]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DNEO_COOLCAM_NAS_WR01W
- [env:deltaco-sh-p01]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DDELTACO_SH_P01
- [env:deltaco-sh-p03usb]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DDELTACO_SH_P03USB
- [env:deltaco-sh-lexxw]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DDELTACO_SH_LEXXW
- [env:deltaco-sh-lexxrgb]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DDELTACO_SH_LEXXRGB
- [env:estink-wifi-power-strip]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DFORNORM_ZLD_34EU
- [env:iwoole-led-table-lamp]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DIWOOLE_LED_TABLE_LAMP
- [env:lombex-lux-nova2-tunable-white]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLOMBEX_LUX_NOVA2_TUNABLE_WHITE
- [env:lombex-lux-nova2-white-color]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLOMBEX_LUX_NOVA2_WHITE_COLOR
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [env:generic-esp01s-relay-40]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ESP01S_RELAY_V40
- [env:generic-esp01s-relay-40-inv]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ESP01S_RELAY_V40 -DRELAY1_TYPE=1
- [env:generic-esp01s-rgbled-10]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ESP01S_RGBLED_V10
- [env:generic-esp01s-dht11-10]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ESP01S_DHT11_V10
- [env:generic-esp01s-ds18b20-10]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_ESP01S_DS18B20_V10
- [env:heltec-touch-relay]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHELTEC_TOUCHRELAY
- [env:allnet-4duino-iot-wlan-relais]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DALLNET_4DUINO_IOT_WLAN_RELAIS
- [env:tonbux-mosquito-killer]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTONBUX_MOSQUITO_KILLER
- [env:pilotak-esp-din-v1]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DPILOTAK_ESP_DIN_V1
- [env:nodemcu-geiger]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- [env:blitzwolf-bwshpx]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DBLITZWOLF_BWSHPX
- [env:blitzwolf-bwshpx-v23]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DBLITZWOLF_BWSHPX_V23
- [env:blitzwolf-bwshp5]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DBLITZWOLF_BWSHP5
- [env:teckin-sp21]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTECKIN_SP21
- [env:teckin-sp22-v14]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTECKIN_SP22_V14
- [env:gosund-ws1]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGOSUND_WS1
- [env:digoo-nx-sp202]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DDIGOO_NX_SP202
- [env:tflag-nx-smx00]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTFLAG_NX_SMX00
- [env:homecube-16a]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHOMECUBE_16A
- [env:bh-onofre]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DBH_ONOFRE
- [env:generic-ag-l4]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_AG_L4
- [env:lohas-e27-9w]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLOHAS_E27_9W
- [env:lohas-e26-a19]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLOHAS_E26_A19
- [env:teckin-sb53]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTECKIN_SB53
- [env:allterco-shelly1]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DALLTERCO_SHELLY1
- [env:allterco-shelly2]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DALLTERCO_SHELLY2
- [env:allterco-shelly1pm]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DALLTERCO_SHELLY1PM
- [env:allterco-shelly25]
- board = ${common.board_2m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_2m1m} -DALLTERCO_SHELLY25
- [env:xiaomi-smart-desk-lamp]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DXIAOMI_SMART_DESK_LAMP
- [env:phyx-esp12-rgb]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DPHYX_ESP12_RGB
- [env:bestek-mrj1011]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DBESTEK_MRJ1011
- [env:gblife-rgbw-socket]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGBLIFE_RGBW_SOCKET
- [env:smartlife-mini-smart-socket]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DSMARTLIFE_MINI_SMART_SOCKET
- [env:hama-wifi-steckdose-00176533]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHAMA_WIFI_STECKDOSE_00176533
- [env:teckin-sp20]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DTECKIN_SP20
- [env:litesun-la-wf3]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLITESUN_LA_WF3
- [env:generic-gu10]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_GU10
- [env:generic-e14]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DGENERIC_E14
- [env:nexete-a19]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DNEXETE_A19
- [env:psh-wifi-plug]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DPSH_WIFI_PLUG
- [env:psh-rgbw-controller]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DPSH_RGBW_CONTROLLER
- [env:psh-wifi-sensor]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DPSH_WIFI_SENSOR
- [env:jinvoo-valve-sm-aw713]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DJINVOO_VALVE_SM_AW713
- [env:etekcity-esw01-usa]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DETEKCITY_ESW01_USA
- [env:fs-uap1]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DFS_UAP1
- [env:muvit-io-miobulb001]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DMUVIT_IO_MIOBULB001
- [env:hykker-smart-home-power-plug]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DHYKKER_SMART_HOME_POWER_PLUG
- [env:kogan-smarter-home-plug-w-pow]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DKOGAN_SMARTER_HOME_PLUG_W_POW
- [env:lsc-smart-led-light-strip]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DLSC_SMART_LED_LIGHT_STRIP
- [env:linksprite-linknode-r4]
- board = ${common.board_4m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_4m1m} -DLINKSPRITE_LINKNODE_R4
- [env:ehomediy-wt02]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DEHOMEDIY_WT02
- [env:ehomediy-wt03]
- board = ${common.board_1m}
- build_flags = ${common.build_flags_1m0m} -DEHOMEDIY_WT03